Once you have successfully completed a transaction, you will receive a confirmation email/SMS with the transaction reference number. However, for status of payment updation at the merchant, we would request you to contact the merchant.
2. I have done duplicate transactions. How can I get a refund for one transaction?
3. I want to cancel the transaction.
4. I cancelled a transaction but I have not received the refund.
5. I have not received my refund.
6. I made a payment for my credit card, but it has not yet been credited.
Bill Payments and Bharat Connect
1. What is Bharat Connect?
Bharat Connect is an integrated online platform developed by the National Payments Corporation of India for utility bill payments. The platform provides an interoperable service through a digital network of agents i.e. internet banking, mobile banking and retail shops for consumers to do a bill payment, at one place, anytime and anywhere.
2. What are the current categories of bill payment?
3. What are the different payment modes?
4. Will I get a payment receipt after the bill payment has been made?